Sir L. a contemporary painter

About Sir L.

« ...SIR L. is the poet of NOUVEAU CLASSICISME. He possesses erudite execution of dense content. He announces a new humanism conscious of representing that which is real yet fictitious of today.".. "I am in admiration of the radiance diffused throughout his work - its singularity without affectation - this mysterious quality subsisting in its entirety which is, for me, an illustration of the rareity in its profound authenticity. »
Roger BOUILLOT - France Musique

« ..A breathtaking technique, an astonishing savoir-faire. A work of art devoted, entirely, to beauty. »
Pierre BRISSET - L’Oeil

« ..SIR L. still remembers that Barthes recommended to write fictively classic. He proposes to do just that in art. This would be the manner to definitively put an end to pseudo avant-gardes. »
Jean-Luc CHALUMEAU - Arts Opus International

« Chinese poets celebrate clouds, Sir L. exalts them on the canvas. The painter transforms contours and colors in a beautiful garden, transformed into shimmering nude blooms or flowers into constellations, which fall into a star sleet. In the crowd, I hear someone who invokes and whispers. I think of a verse from the Song Dynasty : " That night, the wind blew and the flowers have hatched a thousand trees and is started the falling of the stars, such prodigious downpour. »
CHEN YING TEH, peintre-poète, critique d’art, revue Artist, Taïwan

« There are artists who, in the words of one of their spokesman Sir L., working in a spirit of continuity rather than a break with the history of art without passeism but hold on our time »

« No more central motif over the edge, no more repetition, no more geometry, no more easily recognizable rhythm too. Space is no longer framed: there is neither high nor low, nor border. The flower carpets ignore the order of the French-style gardens; they do not rival the Persian rose gardens. They have forgotten the tree where they have grown, they have embellished the garden. They exist primarily by themselves and for themselves, and autogenous paramount. The immensity which they operate is freed from the oppressive silence of the two infinities of Pascal: it receives, from their colors, voice and beauty ... How could we feel the world or contemplating the heavens, if we did not carry in ourselves intuition and model? This is why the flowers that illuminate "in flames" the darkness of the unconscious roll along in outer space as "constellations" from which the universe was born. These are the two infinities where take us the Sir L. rugs. Its flowers are both the first light of the thought and the primordial manifestations of the Invisible, which makes visible the works he creates ... »
JEAN-PIERRE MAHE, Membre de l’Institut de France, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Membre étranger de l’Académie Nationale des Sciences de la République d’Arménie. Préface au catalogue Les tapis de Sir L. - Nœuds de laine et genèse du monde.

«Sir L. could be the Dionysos of the world of art by his way to praise the human body to fragrances gods ... Founder of the New Classicism, author of critical texts on contemporary art, he practices a rigorous figuration - that is to say in demanding the meaning Gérard Xuriguera in his writings about the artist - which is a continuation and renewal of an art he wants symbolic and readable by all .. A cascade of colors, the whirl of flowers, the exaltation of nature and life inundate some of his characters as an expression of their soul. Others bathed in a great light , so intense that the artist leaves the white sheet, just crossed by filaments of flowers and colors .. »

ANDREA FRANCESCO NUTI - Art Line. Les Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine

« ..He draws with an exacerbated sensibility, colors with the finest nuance, SIR L. helps us to be conscious of the immemorial base of certain images.. »

Raymond PERROT - Ancrages

“These flowers and these skies so often described and through which the history of art one might have thought worn by habit, are reborn in large areas of light. But Sir L. does not tell, he meditates, he extends in painting his reverie, his duality ... Nothing comes to break the spell of this art woven into the material and clarity. This brings to us jubilant works taming the chamber music of the soul."

JEAN-MARIE TASSET, Le Figaro, préface au catalogue Ciels et Fleurs en Berry

« ...A revisited classicism. An art which noblely touches the sentiment and sensibility of the art connaisseur. »

GERARD XURIGUERA - Demeures et Châteaux

« ..His hieratic figures, serious and irreductible, as if deep in thought, refer to a happy and optimistic vision of mankind, away from the horrors of our time and the diktats of the cultural establishment.»

GERARD XURIGUERA - Les Figurations de 1960 à nos jours. Editions Mayer

See also : Excerpts from the international press